Train with a plan - Serena racing with confidence

Serena exit the swim after 1.8k across two bodies of water

Serena exit the swim after 1.8k across two bodies of water

Crossing the finish line with big satisfaction - that’s what we train for! 

Crossing the finish line with big satisfaction - that’s what we train for! 

Serena has been training with us for a year, she was little shy in the very beginning, not a great athlete background from either swimming or cycling but maybe better experience in running, just like many of us. And she is very dedicated, her attendance at training caught my attention and she would show up at training even nobody go! She is the kind of girl that would make herself prepared for something. She just didn’t know how and need some guidance or maybe just a little tricks. At the time she trained for Sisici Challenge distance, I’ve spent a few sessions on her weakest sports and practiced a few technique tricks on cycling, just to enable her to go further not faster. She managed to ran a good 15k split in Sisici despite the chaotic arrangement of the race. She signed up LPT and I proposed her to train with a plan as a pilot scheme for both of us. I built the 7 weeks of training plan based on her weakest and availability throughout the questionnaire. As a member of Sonic that has been training consistently in the club, it’s not difficult to optimize her overall fitness towards LPT, peaking and tapering are all just the race preparation in simple form - that’s most of us in Hong Kong not managing this very well from what I’ve observed.

I prescribed her the plan to spend time on her weakest. I monitored her overall feeling and scaled her training thought the 2-way feedback, she haven’t really 100% completed as planned, but the plan gives her the perspective of consistency and periodization. In the race week heading LPT for her 2nd oversea race, she felt ready and confidence, leading her to complete LPT without struggling and finishing with a big smile! That’s what we trained for!

She will step out of her comfort zone and race 70.3 in 2018, I look forward to work with her again!

Charles HuiTraining, Goalsetting