Your goal setting - Process Goals
From the previous write up - Goal Setting we set our Outcome and Performance Goals e.g.
“I want to finish 3x IRONMAN 70.3 and rank top 5% of my age-group, to do that I need to finish each of the race within 5:45hrs - 5:30hrs by the end of 2020 race season.”
“I want to finish an IRONMAN by the end of 2020!”
Then how are we going to start?
Process Goals is about every single technique in every session we can focus on. You can see Process Goals as a small little goal you can achieve in order to fulfill a bigger goal in longer term.
By defining your Process Goals, you should first identify what are the areas you want to improve. From swim, bike, run, to everything around your daily life that would affect the training.
My training was very ad-hoc, I should be more consistent and structural….
I always late to the group session….
I always skip the session due to meeting, overslept or whatever reason….
I always stop when I get tired….
I always breath on one side during swim….
I always lack of endurance in the last portion of session…
I have the fear in open water swimming….
I off work late and always affect the time on my long run….
I ride very slow on the bike…
I keep having injury here and there….
and the list goes on….
“I will dig deeper during the run!“
Enable Your Progress
Process Goals can be explain as, give 1 or 2 single little detail you can improve when you stepped into that training session, keep trying to improve it over period of time for this small victory.
Mapping the 10 of above to the following examples:
I will setup my weekly routine and stick on it!
I will arrive 15mins before the session!
I will start waking up at 5am for a morning session!
I will complete the entire session no matter what!
I will start breathing on both side during swim, at least start with half lap!
I will dig deeper and complete the session as planned!
I will do more open water swim and overcome the mental block!
I will run from office to home to save time.
I will start improving my pedaling technique!
I will put more focus on my form and start with conditioning/stretching routine!
or something else to make you improve if you focus on
These are something I have to do and I will strongly remind myself to do it instead of I wish to do. These are also something I will put my laser focus in every week or every training session. That’s how I will make small victory then I will able to achieve a greater goal as an Outcome and in Performance aspect.
Be remember the Coaches in Sonic are always your primary resources to consult and seek for proper advise.
And make it S.M.A.R.T we need to review our progress periodically, say try it for a month and see if I can make progress?
Again, this skill can be applied in other aspect of life.
The ultimate victory is yours
The ultimate is not to win, but to reach within the depths of your capabilities and to compete against yourself to the greatest extent possible. When you do that, you have dignity. You have the pride. You can walk about with character and pride no matter in what place you happen to finish. —BILLY MILLS, OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST
This Garmin promo back in 8 years ago inspired me to change the way I approach my training. Technology change but the mentality remains.